Russian Cat Named Kefir Claims Title of “Largest Cat in the World”

A Russian pet owner, Yuliya Minina from Stary Oskol, has recently taken social media by storm by claiming that her three-year-old Maine Coon cat, Kefir, is the “largest cat in the world.” In a post on Instagram, she proudly shared a picture of the majestic feline standing tall next to her four-year-old daughter, emphasizing Kefir’s extraordinary height.

The viral sensation has garnered attention for its remarkable size and towering stature. In one of the videos shared by Minina, the white furry beast is seen confidently standing on its hind paws, playfully mimicking a human-like posture. Another video showcases Kefir’s determination as it struggles to open a door to access the family’s yard, further demonstrating its impressive physical strength.

The impressive size of Kefir has been an ongoing phenomenon since 2022 when it made headlines for weighing a staggering 28 pounds at just two years old. This weight is significantly more than the average for Maine Coon cats. Typically, male Maine Coons weigh an average of 18 pounds, while their female counterparts weigh around 12 pounds. These giant cats usually reach a length of about three feet, but Kefir’s size surpasses all expectations.

The cat’s name itself, Kefir, holds a delightful connection to its appearance, as it resembles the milky-white fur of the cultured milk beverage. With the Maine Coon breed known for its potential for growth until the age of three to four years, Yuliya Minina believes that Kefir still has the capacity to become even larger in the future.


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